The Root Cause Coalition conducted a public insights survey in February, 2024. Results show concern over aspects of housing, particularly with lower income Americans. Below are a few of the key findings from the report. The full set of data and demographics are available here.
More than one in 10 surveyed are unhappy with their living situation
Older adults and higher income earners are most likely to be very happy with their living situation
Few Americans are dissatisfied with their housing but over one-third are only somewhat satisfied
Lower income Americans are the least satisfied with their housing
More than half who are unsatisfied with their housing report that certain aspects of their home need repairs; over one-quarter report unwanted pests and living in an unsafe neighborhood
Whites are significantly more likely to own their home compared to Hispanics and Black individuals; those less than 45 years of age, non-college educated and urban residents also less likely to own their own home
Nearly half of those surveyed have been somewhat or very concerned about paying their rent/mortgage over the past six months
Compared to whites and Hispanics, Black individuals more likely to be concerned about paying their rent/mortgage
Paying for utilities and buying healthy food are top concerns after being able to pay their rent/mortgage
The cost of a down payment and weak credit are the top obstacles for renters when it comes to owning a home
Nearly seven in 10 individuals are at least somewhat concerned about the availability of affordable housing
More than three-quarters of Americans consider safe and comfortable housing to be a public health issue
Methodology: 1,000 interviews among adults age 18+ were conducted from February 9 – 13, 2024, using an online survey. The results were weighted to ensure proportional responses. The Bayesian confidence interval for 1,000 interviews is 3.5, which is roughly equivalent to a margin of error of ±3.1 at the 95% confidence level.
Totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding.